We act with a perspective where everything is managed holistically by gathering all industrial, economic, financial, managerial and social activities under the same roof at the global level.
We want to implement and operate with Basalia Industry, Basalia Finance, and 7Cbasalia Foundation, which we will position as subsidiaries in the future. While solving the waste problems of public and private institutions, we aim to carry out all engineering services, production, installation and monitoring of our processes under one roof with Basalia Industry, and with Basalia Finance, we aim to offer them the most suitable solution alternatives, including money, capital and financial topics.
We aim to contribute to the socio-economic development of the relevant country and to improve the income distribution, through the foundations to be established at the local level in each country with the direct and indirect revenues 7Cbasalia will generate.
With the Waste Asset Fund which will be established with local authorities within the framework of 7Cbasalia's environment and development vision, all organic and inorganic solid, liquid and gas waste of a city will be collected under one roof and a portion of the revenues to be obtained from the Basalia processes will be sent directly or indirectly to the residents of the city through this fund. Our goal is to provide a "city residence share" from the income created to all individuals and institutions that contribute waste to the Waste Asset Fund.