7Cbasalia performs "soil reclamation" to ensure efficient and clean agriculture with the mission of cleaning and transforming degraded and polluted soil, making it sustainable. Operating with the vision of "clean and efficient agriculture", it aims to improve soil and facilitate organic, early, niche agriculture, aiding the development of industrial agriculture and animal husbandry.

       The aim of soil reclamation and its application is always to transform analysed degraded soil into optimum soil structure.

With Basalia Soil Reclamation application:

Increase the water retention capacity of all types of soil, ensuring that the root area of the plant remains constantly moist.

Increase the filtering capabilities of soil, ensuring that nitrogen and other elements are retained and converted. Toxic elements are prevented from mixing with groundwater.

Increase the humus capacity of soil. Ensuring better use of nutrients by plants.

Increase the immune capacity of plants, creating a protective barrier against all kinds of diseases.

There is no need to use any fertiliser in reformed lands. Facilitating clean and organic farming.

Ensuring easier ventilation in soil, encouraging the growth of plant roots, and creating the necessary volume for water and air.

By establishing the circular and symbiotic relationship between the plant and microorganisms with Basalia Soil Reclamation, the full capacity is utilised and the overall efficiency is tripled. Basalia Soil Reclamation applications consist of 4 main stages (1-Analysis and diagnosis, 2-Production of soil reclamation products, 3-Field application, 4-Follow-up and control).

Soil Reclamation Application